Hannover Bridge at Felixstowe

Hannover Bridge at Felixstowe

Ken Neil, one of the participants at Not Just for Christmas, sent us this news story, which reminds me of the legacy of Christmas spending as sacred as opposed to the profane spending of the everyday. This is a story of three Maersk ships which are totally laden with goods for Christmas, disembarking this week at Felixstowe. Allusions to the three wise men should be set aside for a moment, since after all this kind of traffic is nothing really special – container ships laden with consumer goods criss-cross the world throughout the year. It seems that this is the one time of the year, however, when we are allowed to stand in awe at it.

Richard Holloway on NJfC

9 December, 2008

On Monday the Not Just for Christmas Advent Calendar had a terrific contribution from Richard Holloway. Tell us what you think of it, and who you’d like to see on the NJfC site!

Two-parter on NJfC

9 December, 2008

This weekend saw a two-parter on the ‘Not Just for Christmas‘ Advent Calendar, with a donation idea and news about a Fair Trade shop near the project’s home in Glasgow.

A message from Japan.